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This page gives you information about us and the terms and conditions. Please read these terms thoroughly and ensure that you comprehend them, prior to book any product and/or service from website and/or our venue.

TSQ Club works in association with the local council and the Police to ensure a safe and enjoyable night out for all.

We have a zero tolerance approach to antisocial behavior and our security staffs are trained to deal with all circumstances.




By redeeming the Student Night £15 entry, you are confirming your agreement to be bound by these Terms and Conditions and the General Terms and Conditions.

  • The Offer consists of a discount of £10 from the full entry price of £25 per person.

  • This offer is only from 01/10/24 until 31/12/24, on Saturday Night only

  • A student ID (with valid date on the card) must be provided at the front to redeem the offer.

  • The redemption is only valid before 11pm by the reception desk.

  • A guest must follow TSQCLUB social media platform to redeem the offer.

  • The offer decision remains at the management’s discretions.

  • This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers and cannot be exchanged for cash.

Age & Entries


1. It is company policy that anyone seeking to gain admission to TSQ Club must be 18 years and over.

2. Customers will be asked for I.D. to enter the club, the only acceptable forms of I.D. will be driving licence (valid), passport, electoral card or national ID.

3. Guest list does not guarantee the entry.~
4. Club Door open from 10:30pm 

5. Last entry is 02.00 am.

6. Club entry remains at the management’s discretion.

7. Re-entry after 02.40 am from the smoking area is not permitted.

8. There is no re-entry once leave the premises, the entry fee must be repaid.

9. All sales and service are final and are non-refundable.


Dresscode & Cloakroom

1. Football shirts or any kind of sportwear will be deemed as unsuitable

2. T-Shirts with political or unsavoury statements will be deemed unsuitable; vest T-Shirts and shorts will not be permitted to be worn by men into nightclub.

3. Slippers and sandals are strictly prohibited. Female must wear high heels.

4. Any persons whose general dress is of an untidy nature will not be permitted into the venue.

5. All large bags and jackets have to be deposited at the cloakroom.

6. Management is not responsible for any lost items.




1. Any person who has knowingly been prosecuted for use, supply or intent to supply drugs shall not be permitted to enter the venue.

2. Any person who has knowingly been convicted of Actual Bodily Harm shall not be permitted into the venue.

3. It is company policy that each person entering the venue may be searched for the health and safety of themselves, fellow customers and staff. Offensive weapons will not be allowed inside the venue.

4. Guests must leave the premises quietly and respect our neighbour.





1. Patrons are expected to behave in such a manner as not to put themselves, or any other customer or any member of staff at risk to personal injury or loss of life.

2. No selling, supplying or taking of any illegal substances or drugs will be permitted in the venue.

3. Customers are not permitted to dance on the dance floor with bottles, or take bottles or glasses into the toilets within the venue and to outside the venue.

4. Any person who is in a state of drunkenness or under the influence of drugs will not be permitted to gain entrance to the venue. Any person under the influence of alcohol to the extent that they are a danger to themselves or other customers will be asked to leave the venue.

5. Customers will not be permitted to behave in a disorderly manner or in a way that is likely to provoke disorderly conduct from other customers or will not be allowed to cause willing damage to our property.

6. Smoking is prohibited inside the venue including electronic cigarettes and allowed only at the designated area limited to 10 people at a time.

7. Any customers that fail to adhere to these rules will be deemed unsuitable for admission to the venue on future occasions.

8. We reserve the rights to refuse service or entry to anyone at anytime.


Promotional Activities

1. TSQ Club reserve the right to include or cease any product and/or service at any time without prior notice.

2. All offers are not valid to use in conjunction with one another and cannot be exchanged for cash. Each offer may have varied terms and/or requirement.

2. The First-Class Pass is valid for one-time use only on the 31/12/24 and cannot be reused once redeemed. It is strictly non-transferable and must only be used by the original holder; sharing, gifting, or transferring the pass to another individual is prohibited.

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